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"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its

animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi



Job's Halt Self-catering Camp


The camp is rented out exclusively for you and your family and friends . You can tailor make your safari experience to your interests and level of adventure. We are at hand

to discuss and make your itinerary that fore-fills your wildlife dreams. Our lodge

is perfect for families and we welcome all ages (We can discuss limitations on some activities for safety reasons).

Tailor Make Your Safari


Our Job's Halt Self-catering camp can also be rented by photography groups and other special interest groups, such as birding enthusiasts. If you are an individual or a guide we would love to work with you to tailor make a Safari experience to your needs.  

3 Day Slack-packing walking trail


For those who want to experience our fauna and flora up close and personal,

but at the same time enjoy the comforts of hot showers, a soft bed and a cold G&T, come join us on our 2,3,4 day slack-packing walking trail.

3 Day Back-packing Wildlife Patrol


Our back-packing walking patrol offers an unique wild-life experience while supporting our conservation efforts to protect our threatened animals that roam

the Greater Makalali Nature Reserve.

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